Monday, March 24, 2014

Liquor Variety Pack Monday

This weekend was the first time in my now nearly 30 years wearing a retainer.  My dentist gave it to me to prevent me from grinding my teeth down to nubbins in my sleep.

It looks like adult braces, and the case makes me feel fourteen.
It's cracked in the back, but from what I've read online that's okay.  It's not as enormous and headgear-like as I expected.

I booked an overnight in D.C. in May and can't wait to see our nation's capital!  

Peacock Room at the Freer Gallery here I come!
We finished House of Cards Season Two this weekend.  I also started a filing system at home for the very first time.

This box expanded into two full boxes... this was long overdue.
Tonight was way too cold to go to the gym and so instead I picked up a liquor variety pack on my way home from work.  Hey, "a man's gotta do somethin' to keep warm." 

Whiskey, gin, and Chianti
Here's a photo of one of our gray loves on a trash can.

Happy Meow-Day!

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