Sunday, August 23, 2015

Fabletics Outfit and Rowing

So I bought these cute Lima Capri pants in Moss Camo from Fabletics, and I am totally digging them.  I wore them to my first ever rowing class at Row House in NYC.
On the subway en route to class.

Post workout photo at home, feeling strong and powerful

I really feel that badass camo print is perfect for a rowing class.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Trader Joe's Super Spinach Salad

I tried the Trader Joe's Super Spinach Salad for lunch today, and it was yummy! It's definitely my favorite pre-fab salad of theirs thus far. The dressing was tasty, and all of the ingredients were good.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Slacking on Blogging

This summer has been tough, but overall I heart my life.
Enjoyed this yummy flat white the other day after a workout with a girlfriend.
It has literally been months since I last posted on here. I'll just blame it on work, social life, working out, and family. Things have been busy, and I have been distracted. In an effort to make it up to you, here are some random photos from recent weeks (mostly all food):
Had a delicious lunch the other day of tortilla chips, salsa, guac, and a fish taco... oh, the memories.
I love the West Elm on the UWS and really am obsessed with the brandy snifters on the left.  Didn't buy any though, because isn't it a little alcoholic to have a glass for every kind of liquor?  I'll probably buy two anyway as they remind me of Grace Kelly and Jimmy Stewart in Rear Window.
My husband really loves me and not only makes me breakfast on the weekends, but puts cute pictures in ketchup on the breakfast. 
This was for the Fourth of July.
I am obsessed with Shake Shack's cheese fries.  The little wooden fork is perfection.  We go here way more often than is appropriate, but this was my first time insisting on my own cheese fries.
In addition to working out more, I'm upping my vitamin game with a multivitamin, iron supplement, and b6.