Sunday, June 23, 2024

Favorite Baby Products - Newborn

Do you think a nearly eight year absence from blogging is fitting given the events that have taken place since 2016 when I last posted? I do. 

Anyway, since then I have had babies and thought I might post some of the products I recommend for anyone about to have a baby or new to parenthood. Here are few of my newborn recommendations:

Sleep Sacks - the Halo Swaddles were the best when our babies were little because we didn’t have to worry about figuring out a perfect swaddle ourselves:

Halo Swaddle

As they got bigger we did the normal sleep sacks and with our second kid we have been using a way cheaper version off Amazon that has been just as great:

Amazon Halo Dupes

Vitamin D, if breastfeeding. We liked this brand and you just pop a drop into their bottle or mouths.

Carlson Vitamin D drops for breastfeeding

Spectra 2 (through insurance):

Spectra 2 breast pump

Willow Go Wearable Pump (exclusive pumping) I wish I had this the first time around. I ended up exclusive pumping with both kids and it was a lifesaver to be able to use my hand while I was pumping.

Willow Go Wearable Breast Pump

Babybjorn Cradle:

Babybjorn Cradle for first six months

Uppababy Vista bassinet for stroller. This last baby ended up sleeping in the bassinet for his stroller and it was great, created a dark cave environment.

Uppababy Vista Bassinet

Basic pacifiers that they give you at the hospital. Our first baby used these and they work with the five s’s method if you read The Happiest Baby on the Block.

Philips Avent Soothie Pacifiers


The Happiest Baby on the Block

Good Moms Have Scary Thoughts Too